Urban Lakes: The Demarchi Island

Neither buildings nor objects or mono-activities are offered to our sight; only a series of urban strata stretching from the diversity of Buenos Aires’ urban network until it slowly blends with the landscape.
Docks, wharfs, jetties, waterways, are engulfed by an urban density that does not hide its disparity, Suddenly, the multiplicity of spaces of a dense city has to be re-created.

The challenge is to convert this section of the port into an element of the bubbly city, but without hiding its role as a technical device meant to enable a fundamental aspect of navigation.
The amalgamation, the overlapping, the hodgepodge city-port, should not only maintain, but also reinforce, the interminglement of spaces underlying the ebullient life of the city.
And, above all, those spaces should provide the city’s inhabitants of the framework justifying their names of “porteños “, i.e., “those who live by the port.”

Arnoldo Rivkin, Rémi Rouyer – ENSAV

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