Continuum:EnvelopingEnveloped ArgentinePavilion FrankfortBookFair
Argentine Pavilion at the Frankfort Book Fair
A continuous row of concave and convex partitions criss-cross the Pavilion. Those partitions, made of assembled double-panels of wood are shaped as a Moebius ribbon covering the entire Exhibition area; its incessant deployment and redeployment generates an array of different spaces, to be fitted according to the different items in the exhibition. Floating above those spaces, the faces of six Argentine personalities can be seen from a multiplicity of angles, according to the movements of the public.
In tandem with the continuity-discontinuity of partitions, alternating their enveloping-enveloped variation, runs the continuity-discontinuity of virtual images and real, concrete objects being presented at the Book Fair.
To an attentive observer, actually two Moebius ribbons are shaping the Exhibition space: one, embodied in the materiality of the wooden panels; the other, flowing along the virtual images, giant depictions and actual stands.
Therefore, the architectural idea underlying the Pavilion, far from providing a neutral support independent of its contents, aims at being an active protagonist, blending spaces, dramatic tension and images with the messages to be conveyed.
Arnoldo Rivkin, Remi Rouyer, Sébastien Rinckel, Maud Godard, Gad Benarroch (DV-lab)